Thursday, February 22, 2007

OK, Tonight is...

REALLY "Sunday" night for me. See, I confirmed that very early this morning.

"They" say that stress can do weird stuff to us. I say, "They" are right!!!!!

I woke with a start at 0427 this morning, TV on and alarm going off. That's about a half an hour later than I usually put feet to the floor on a work day. I oriented myself to the 'hour' instead of the 'day' and immediately went into, "Holy Crap! I'm running late!" mode.

"What did I forget to do last night to be prepared for this morning?"

Lunch wasn't ready, coffee pot wasn't set, uniform wasn't laid out.

My Snooze Margin was gone and if I didn't hurry my Drive Margin would evaporate too.

On full after-burner I set out to try to re-coup my "Monday".

I launched out of the drive-way on schedule...
"The trash cans are still out by the road... I'll have to get those when I get home."

Yeah, I'm running long and you already got it anyway. Today is Thursday, I'm off today.
This is a drill, it's ONLY a drill!!!
Luckily I only made it 3 miles up the road.

The backwash to it all is, I did have a quasi-productive day. Went to breakfast at "The Diner". Bought a couple of new tools at the tractor store. Went to the "Superstore", got the stuff and fulfilled a long dangling promise. Rearranged and organized the outside storage. (Downside to that is there is a lot of stuff in the apartment now to be sorted, stored or trashed. at least we can go find something in the shed now.)

Loaded the CD, Los Lonely Boys are up at the moment. Along with Cream, Blues Traveler, Tod Snyder and Tom Petty.

Top Three Things about today:
Talked to "The Beautiful Brown Eyed Girl"!
Fulfilled a promise! At least in part.
Wrote a couple of short pieces. Poems/ Lyrics. Whatever they become, they already are.

More Nada. I know. This thing will evolve soon.

(Personal note on the evolution. Practice really does help. I try to never to forget to run spell check before I post. The yellow highlights a get fewer and fewer all of the time! "Los" was the only hit on this one.)

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