Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More On "Choppas"

Sometimes you hear something and you know what you heard. Or, you think you do.

Sometimes you wonder what the hell it was you just heard.

Sometimes you ask yourself, "Was that a back-fire or gun fire?" Or, "Was that fireworks or automatic gun-fire?"

This Tuesday afternoon I was outside the East end of our East hangar.


'Hmmm, Was that...?', I wondered. Briefly.


'Uh, yeah it was, IS gunfire...'

The sequence repeated. Then, repeated again.

'That's not just gun fire. That's a friggin' GUN FIGHT!'

I could hear sirens. I still tried to rationalize the audio. Fireworks and coincidence.

How did I know that my initial instinct was right?

When the news choppas arrived.

Police shootout with a routine traffic stop.

Well, it started out that way.

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